How to Treat Sinusitis Infections

Posted by Admin Wednesday, April 27, 2011 11:07 PM
However most people know they have a sinus problem or sinus infection before they ever visit their doctor. The doctor visit may follow days or even weeks of trying to cure a sinus infection.

Some other causes that increase one's susceptibility include changes due to pregnancy, working with children, and smoking. Many smokers suffer from chronic sinusitis. Allergies and reflux disease (GERD) can contribute also. Tooth infections can cause sinusitis and dental work including extractions and root canals can inflame or infect the sinuses, if they are near your sinuses.

Types of Sinuses

1. Para nasal Sinus
2. Dural Venous Sinus
3. Coronary Sinus

Symptoms of Chronic Sinus Infections

The symptoms of a chronic sinus infection are almost similar to those of an acute infection, except that the symptoms tend to last longer and do not respond to treatments as easily. It is also unusual to run a fever with a chronic sinus infection, although many people do with the acute variety of infection. Other common symptoms does include pain and pressure in the face around the sinus cavities, a thick yellow or green discharge from the nose, difficulty breathing through the nasal passages and fatigue. You might also put up with from less common symptoms, like bad breath, teeth or jaw pain and an earache. These symptoms can vary and depend on the particular sinuses that are involved, so it is a good idea to check with your doctor even if you don't have all of the classic symptoms of an infection.

You could try to heal sinus through natural means. Begin with making sure that you are correctly hydrated. When get dried out, so do your sinus secretions. Drink hot salty fluids such as chicken broth to help you. It can steam your sinuses clear and the electrolytes can help hydrate you. Spicy food could also help but it could cause a round effect and close your sinus back up.

The next thing you do is to use saline spray to keep your sinus moist, particularly in dry climates. Several saline spray bottles are designed to carry saline in different ways. Just lay back in your bed and drip saline into your blacked nostril.


• Anti-biotics - A course of anti-biotics such as amoxicillin prescribed by a doctor usually gets rid of acute sinusitis.
• Over the counter decongestant tablets and liquids - OTC decongestants such as Sudafed can relieve nasal congestion to help you breathe more easily. Like any medication they have side effects.
• Over the counter decongestant nasal sprays - OTC nasal sprays such as Vicks Sinex can relieve inflammation and nasal congestion by shrinking the blood vessels in the sinuses. These can only be used short term, have side effects and can be addictive. Pharmaceutical nasal sprays can cause a condition called ‘Rhinitis Medicamentosa' which actually makes the nasal congestion worse. They do not treat any infection present.
• Over the counter pain relievers - Aspirin and Ibuprofen can relieve inflammation and pain. However they can cause side effects such as slowing down the digestive system and internal bleeding.

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